Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Pyaar Naal - Attaullah Khan Esakhelvi

Pyaar Naal - Attaullah Khan Esakhelvi

main dil di dunya ich teḍe baajhon
je koi wasaawaan taan kaafir aakheen
main teḍi chaukhaṭ toon saari zindagi
je sir uṭhaawaan taan kaafir aakheen

[in my heart's universe, if, aside from you
I give place to another, call me an infidel
from your doorsill, my whole life long
if I raise my bowed head, call me an infidel]

je meri pooja ich farq aawe
e'jaaz khanjar di lauṛ kaai naeen
khuda gawaah e toon akh cha badlen
main mar na jaawaan taan kaafir aakheen
[if I ever grow lacking in my worship of you
"Ejaz", a dagger would not be needed
as God is my witness, just withdraw your favour
and if I don't die instantly, call me an infidel]

pyaar naal nah sahi, ghusse naal wekh liya kar
beemaaraan noon shafa mil jaandi e
[if not with love, look at us with anger
the afflicted are restored to health]

teḍa deedaar channaan saaḍi majboori e
roz tainoon takna baṛa ee zaroori e
toon je nah ḍisen te
chhu lai da e tera dar
beemaaraan noon shafa mil jaandi e
pyaar naal nah sahi
[glimpsing your face, sweetheart, is for us compulsory]
gazing at you each day is really a necessity
if you don't emerge
(reverently) we touch the door of the place where you live
the afflicted are restored to health
if not with love...]

saara saara din teḍi raahwaan ich khalonde aan
ro ro hasde aan has has ronde aan
sukh mil jaanda e paindi e jaan tere te nazar
beemaaraan noon shafa mil jaandi e
pyaar naal nah sahi
[the whole day long we haunt the paths you take
weeping, we begin laughing; laughing, we start weeping
we become serene the moment our gaze falls on you
the afflicted are restored to health
if not with love...]

jangalaan pahaaṛaan wich phool khil jaande nen
ṭuṭṭe hue dilaan noon qaraar mil jaande nen
pyaar diyaan raahwaan te tere jihyaan howe hamsafar
beemaaraan noon shafa mil jaandi e
pyaar naal nah sahi........
[in forests and hills, flowers burst into bloom
hearts that are broken find tranquillity
on the paths of love, if someone like you is a fellow-traveller
the afflicted are restored to health]
if not with love.....]

kyoon tu achchha lagta hai
waqt mila to sochen ge
tujh men kya kya dekha hai
waqt mila to sochen ge
[why are we so keen on you
if we find time, we'll think about it
what is it we've seen in you
if we find time, we'll think about it]

saara shahr shanaasaai ka daa'we-daar to hai lekin
kaun hamaara apna hai
waqt mila to sochen ge
[the whole city claims acquaintance, but
who is the one who's truly ours]

ham ne us ko likkha tha
kuch milne ki tadbeer karo
us ne likh kar bheja hai
waqt mila to sochen ge
[we had written to her to
find a way to meet with us
she has sent a letter saying]
if we find time, we'll think about it]

mausam khushbu baad-i saba
chaand shafaq aur taaron men
kaun tumhaare jaisa hai
waqt mila to sochen ge
[seasons, fragrance, the morning breeze
the moon, twilight and the stars
which one of these resembles you
if we find time, we'll think about it]

ya to apne dil ki maano
ya phir dunya waalon ki
mashwarah uska achchha hai
waqt mila to sochen ge
[listen either to your own heart
or to the world at large
the counsel that she gave is good
if we find time, we'll think about it]

kyoon tu achchha lagta hai
waqt mila to sochen ge X3

This is a masterpiece written by Afzal Aajiz, beautiful lyrics and a awesome shayari in the end. And definitely Coke Studio Season 4's best song. Attaullah Khan is a famous singer in Pakistan who has sung a great number of songs and his style of singing with emotions is extremely beautiful.

In Attaullah's words
vo to maashuk hain har baat pe roothenge jigar
tum na ghabra ke kahin unse khafa ho jaana

Truly said, the beloved has every right to be offended on small small things, because when in love the expectations become really high. You are special and supposed to be better than everyone else. And most importantly you don't have any right to hurt your mashuk (beloved). So be patient don't forget you need each other, and wait for the time when things come back to normal :) Because its only those tough moments that are counted when you are around with them. After a considerable period of time you will only enjoy that time because of your patience you are happily together. 

vo rootha rahe mujhse ye manzoor hai lekin
yaron use samjhao mera sheher na chode

When a really close friend or a beloved is angry and you know you can't afford to lose that person. the only thing you wish is that person doesn't stop talking to you, which is actually worst pain in the world. Silence really hurts. You wish you talk no matter if its just for the sake of accusing, blaming or scolding. Because anger won't last long, your beloved will realize your importance and also realize that you really care. After all making mistakes is part of learning.

lastly would sum up with another 2 liner :)

dil usko diya hai to vohi isme rahega
hum log amanat me khayanat nahi karte....
[amanat=Trust, Khayanat=Treachery]

Coke Studio version comes with a brilliant poem in the end. which has been stuck in my mind the very first time I heard it. Kinda memorized now :)
I can bet you will listen to the poem again and again till you memorize it :) 

P.S. This post is dedicated to one of my really good friend who has been mad at me for my stupidity :P Hope she becomes a little less mad soon :D 


  1. Well..amazing song !!
    absolutely awesome lyrics :)
    but more importantly, I could relate to the post!!

    When a really close friend or a beloved is angry and you know you can't afford to lose that person..the only thing you wish is that person doesn't stop talking to you,which is actually worst pain in the world. Silence really hurts. You wish you talk no matter if its just for the sake of accusing, blaming or scolding. Because anger won't last long, your beloved will realize your importance and also realize that you really care. After all making mistakes is part of learning.

    Very recently, I had been stupid too, and had hurt a close friend unknowingly..I had felt/realized/experienced the same then..These lines reminded me of the episode..So, interestingly, this post speaks my heart out!!

    I really wish I could say all this to my friend too..nevertheless, one learns from one's experiences only :)

    Thanks for writing the post! Its the best post on this blog so far..
    n yeah, waqt mila toh sochenge is mesmerizing and intoxicating.. I'm loving it :):)

    Keep writing !

  2. Thank you so much for the translation.

  3. Last part as a poem ...that was amazing
    Love from india
